I’ve been trippin!
I know it’s been a while since I checked in with you. The good news is, all is well and I’ve spent the past two months traveling and enjoying some amazing experiences with my new favorite travel companion. The bad news is we’ve got a lot to catch up on.
So, I decided to shove ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag – that’s Texas-speak for giving you the Clif’s Notes version of my travels. You’re welcome.
Aside from my everyday life in Bologna, Evan and I enjoyed a trip to Sicily: Trapani was a cozy seaside town we enjoyed exploring for a day before we bussed it to Palermo – a Sicilian version of NYC.
It’s also home of the best and most extensive farmers’ market I’ve ever seen anywhere and the only place I’ve seen a live duck on a scooter.
Evan rented a car one day, bought picnic fixins’ and took me on a fun adventure to hike the Greek ruins of Segesta.
We took turns taking pictures at the absolute beauty that surrounded us. This is one of mine.
The views from the top of the Duomo are spectacular, but the stair climb to get there is equally breathtaking… literally. As expected, the food was as delicious as the driving conditions were insane. Thankfully, Evan and his bestie from back home, Dustin handled that part.
Tuscan road trip:
This is where I learned that Evan can drive as fast and accurately in reverse as he can in drive. He and Dustin tag teamed an extremely gnarly road one rainy day. I sat quietly in the back trying not to pee my pants.

San Gimignano – I think Evan and Dustin called it San Jalapeno instead because they couldn’t pronounce it.
I loved exploring San Gimignano, one of the many adorable hill towns.
It’s exactly what you expect of Tuscany after watching “Under the Tuscan Sun”.
We literally walked in circles looking for the restaurant a friend recommended. This city is a maze – three different locals gave us three different directions and iPhone GPS was useless. We failed and ate mediocre food. Boo! To add insult to injury, I booked the return train tickets for the wrong day and had to pay a fine AND buy additional tickets on the train ride home… I literally cried at my own stupidity. Ahh, Venice… we’ll have to try again.
We’ll pick up there tomorrow. This bag runneth over.